Oasis Management

2002년 설립 이래, 탁월한 투자 수익률의 꾸준한 제공을 목표로 합니다

Oasis 간략소개

Oasis는 전 세계의 다양한 자본구조에 투자하며, 아시아에 집중하고 있습니다. 당사의 목표는 모든 시장사이클에 걸쳐 일관되고 높은 위험조정수익률을 달성하는 것입니다.


Oasis was founded in 2002 by Seth Fischer, who leads the firm as its Chief Investment Officer. Today the Oasis team comprises over 50 professionals with significant investment and operational experience and expertise working across the firm’s offices in Hong Kong, Tokyo, Austin and the Cayman Islands.


Our team of experienced investment professionals leverage the firm’s deep qualitative and quantitative research capabilities and Asia market expertise with extensive hedging and risk management. Oasis’s bottom-up, micro opportunity investment strategy has an over 22-year track record across multiple market cycles.


Over a 22-year
Track Record


Over 50
Experienced Professionals


홍콩, 도쿄, 오스틴, 케이맨제도 4개 오피스

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